1998 | Sirah Laser- und Plasmatechnik GmbH is founded by Dr. Paulus Jauernik, Christa Gerigk-Jauernik and Dr. Sven Hädrich. Sirah operates from Kaarst Germany. |
1999 | Introduction of Sirah’s highly succsefull dye laser models the PrecisionScan, Cobra-Stretch and Cobra. These lasers set new standards with regards to ease of use, efficiency and reliability. Sirah enters a worldwide distribution agreement with Spectra-Physics Inc., USA. |
2000 | Sirah’s first fully digital Autotracker. |
2001 | Sirah Control 2 software with full LabVIEW integration. |
2002 | Sum Frequency Mixing of pulsed dyes lasers. Mixing after doubling for pulsed dye lasers. |
| Sirah moves into new premises in Kaarst. |
2003 | The Sirah Near Infra-Red Optical Parametrical Amplifier unit (OPANIR) is designed to generate powerful laser pulses in the wavelength range from 1.4 to 4.2 µm. Based on a difference frequency mixing stage, the output energy is boosted by a second stage. |
2004 | Pulsed dye lasers are now built on a steel base plate for improved precision. Mid Infra-Red Generation of pulsed dye laser pulses with Silver-Gallium-Arsenide crystals. |
2005 | Pulsed dye amplification of cw radiation, first commercial system with intgerated SBS cell. |
2006 | Introduction of the Matisse ring laser series with full digital control (US patent 7,489,715). |
| Establishment of Sirah Polska in Chrosty (Poland) as mechanical workshop |
2007 | Introduction of the EagleEye Optical Spectrum Analyser Cavity. First high repetition rate version of the Cobra system. Matisse lasers with Pound-Drever-Hall based stabilization scheme. |
2008 | Fibre-coupled reference cells for Matisse TS and Matisse DS systems. Matisse with integrated wavemeter. |
| Introduction of the Credo, the only dye laser specifically designed for high repetition rate applications. |
2010 | Next generation PrecisionScan with smaller footprint. Grating lift for all grazing incidence resonators (Patent pending). Sirah Control 3 is introduced, a completely modular control software for pulsed dye lasers. Demonstration of 10 W output Matisse Titanium:Sapphire laser. Demonstration of SFG in periodically poled crystals. |
2011 | Next generation CobraStretch. |
2012 | Moved into new premises in Grevenbroich. Total office and labspace tripled. Company name is changed into Sirah Lasertechnik GmbH to reflect the focus on laser technology. |
| Introduction of the new MixTrain series by sum and difference frequency mixing of the Matisse laser with fiber lasers to extend the wavelength range. |
2014 | Takeover and further development of the CW doubler WaveTrain from Spectra Physics. |
2018 | Introduction of the new Matisse C series, a more compact Matisse laser system that uses only TiSa as laser medium. |
2020 | Introduction of the Boston500 YAG laser for pumping dye lasers. |
2021 | Next generation WaveTrain 3D with digital electronics. |
| Appointment of Klaudia Szydlowska as director of Sirah Polska |
2022 | New generation of the MixTrain 2 with larger tuning ranges and more automation |
2023 | Appointment of Dr. Clemens Wünsche as General Manager of Sirah Lasertechnik GmbH. |