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About Sirah

1998 Sirah Laser- und Plasmatechnik GmbH is founded by Dr. Paulus Jauernik, Christa Gerigk-Jauernik and Dr. Sven Hädrich. Sirah operates from Kaarst Germany.
1999 Introduction of Sirah’s highly succsefull dye laser models the PrecisionScan, Cobra-Stretch and Cobra. These lasers set new standards with regards to ease of use, efficiency and reliability. Sirah enters a worldwide distribution agreement with Spectra-Physics Inc., USA.
2000 Sirah’s first fully digital Autotracker.
2001 Sirah Control 2 software with full LabVIEW integration.
2002 Sum Frequency Mixing of pulsed dyes lasers. Mixing after doubling for pulsed dye lasers.
Sirah moves into new premises in Kaarst.
2003 The Sirah Near Infra-Red Optical Parametrical Amplifier unit (OPANIR) is designed to generate powerful laser pulses in the wavelength range from 1.4 to 4.2 µm. Based on a difference frequency mixing stage, the output energy is boosted by a second stage.
2004 Pulsed dye lasers are now built on a steel base plate for improved precision. Mid Infra-Red Generation of pulsed dye laser pulses with Silver-Gallium-Arsenide crystals.
2005 Pulsed dye amplification of cw radiation, first commercial system with intgerated SBS cell.
2006 Introduction of the Matisse ring laser series with full digital control (US patent 7,489,715).
Establishment of Sirah Polska in Chrosty (Poland) as mechanical workshop
2007 Introduction of the EagleEye Optical Spectrum Analyser Cavity. First high repetition rate version of the Cobra system. Matisse lasers with Pound-Drever-Hall based stabilization scheme.
2008 Fibre-coupled reference cells for Matisse TS and Matisse DS systems. Matisse with integrated wavemeter.
Introduction of the Credo, the only dye laser specifically designed for high repetition rate applications.
2010 Next generation PrecisionScan with smaller footprint. Grating lift for all grazing incidence resonators (Patent pending). Sirah Control 3 is introduced, a completely modular control software for pulsed dye lasers. Demonstration of 10 W output Matisse Titanium:Sapphire laser. Demonstration of SFG in periodically poled crystals.
2011 Next generation CobraStretch.
2012 Moved into new premises in Grevenbroich. Total office and labspace tripled. Company name is changed into Sirah Lasertechnik GmbH to reflect the focus on laser technology.
Introduction of the new MixTrain series by sum and difference frequency mixing of the Matisse laser with fiber lasers to extend the wavelength range.
2014 Takeover and further development of the CW doubler WaveTrain from Spectra Physics.
2018 Introduction of the new Matisse C series, a more compact Matisse laser system that uses only TiSa as laser medium.
2020 Introduction of the Boston500 YAG laser for pumping dye lasers.
2021 Next generation WaveTrain 3D with digital electronics.
Appointment of Klaudia Szydlowska as director of Sirah Polska
2022 New generation of the MixTrain 2 with larger tuning ranges and more automation
2023 Appointment of Dr. Clemens Wünsche as General Manager of Sirah Lasertechnik GmbH.