Dr. Paulus Jauernik
General Manager
Studied and graduated in Physics at the Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf. He was researcher at the Forschungszentrum Jülich before he worked in the laser industry. He is enthusiastic about everything otpical and mechanical in laser technology. Up to date he is responsible for the optical and mechanical engineering of Sirah’s lasers.
Christa Gerigk-Jauernik
Accounting Manager
Is one of the co-founders of the company. Besides Sirah internal affairs and processings she is also responsible for all issues regarding book keeping, banking, payments, shipping procedures and customs affairs. She is the contact for guest relations for all Sirah visitors. Its her highest concern to make Sirah guests feel safe and comfortable.
Dr. Clemens Wünsche
General Manager
Became familiar with lasers at the University Essen where he received a PhD in physics. He joined Sirah after his graduation and is now responsible for the production of all Sirah lasers. He is devoted to optics and lasers and still personally involved when new lasers, optics, or application are explored.